Carlos Batlle joined MITEI in 2011. Currently he heads the Regulation and Systems Analysis Group within the Electric Power Systems Low-Carbon Energy Center, leading research projects and supervising PhD and masters dissertations. He also teaches the course entitled “Engineering, Economics and Regulation of the Electric Power Sector” with Professor Pérez-Arriaga.
He is an Associate Professor with Comillas Pontifical University’s Institute for Research in Technology (IIT) in Madrid, where he teaches Energy Economics and Electric Power Systems Regulation, and is Electricity Advisor of the Florence School of Regulation (FSR), an institution under the aegis of the European University in Florence, where he is the Director of the FSR Summer School on the Regulation of Energy Utilities.
He has headed over 40 research projects and participated in more than 40 others. He has worked and lectured extensively on the operation, planning, and risk management modeling of electricity generation and networks, and more specifically, on electric power system regulation. He has also rendered consulting services for governments, international institutions, industrial associations, and utilities in over 25 countries. He has published over 30 papers in national and international journals and conference proceedings and has authored 10 book chapters.